Our journeys lead to places that our clients' hearts desire, places they no longer have the means or strength to reach on their own. We help them visit places and events they wish to experience, such as:
Visiting a desired location
Attending a concert of a favorite band
Cheering live for their favorite team
Being present at a family gathering
We are a team of experienced paramedics
Petra Homolová
Founder and project coordinator, paramedic
+420 731 672 676
Dodatečné kurzy:
ESPERO for nurses
Matěj Kůs
+420 724 773 349
Dodatečné kurzy:
PEACE - Palliative and Emergency Care Essentials
ICPCN - Pediatric palliative care
Veronika Machová
+420 728 058 344
Ivana Kotková
Peer intervent and bereavement counselor
+420 774 022 441
Josef Kašpar
Komunikace s partnery
+420 604 210 626
Help us fulfill dreams!
We prefer direct bank payments via QR code. For other payment methods, please use the Darujme.cz payment gateway.