When strength is no longer enough

*️⃣ Middle age… a period when a person is at the peak of their strength, enjoying the joys of their children and grandchildren, and enjoying life.

😔 But when a vicious disease strikes the body, the world suddenly changes. A world full of possibilities, adventures and places like Italy, which was beloved by Mrs. Helena, suddenly shrinks. Today, she no longer has the strength to travel even for short trips. Years of exhausting battle with cancer have taken their toll. A battle that does not always end in a person's victory.

🫂 And it is in these moments that we realize what is most valuable in life – closeness. Closeness of those who love us unconditionally, who are there for us and who will do everything to make us happy even in difficult times. Helen's family approached us and together we fulfilled her great wish – a private tour of the Hoslovice Water Mill near Strakonice.

🙏 It was an honor for us to become part of a family for a moment, where love is not just an empty word. Where love is tangible, expressed in actions, and where every moment spent together has incalculable value.

Thank you for being there. ❤️

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